I’m sure many of you have bought these wonderful Support Our Troops yellow ribbons for your cars. What gets me are the idiots that go around stealing them for a prank. I don’t know if these are teenagers or just unpatriotic snerts, but it gets annoying to have them go missing over night.
To those of you who think that swiping them makes good fun, I have to say, “GET A LIFE!”
We put these things on our vehicles because we support our troops, no matter where the government decides to send them, we may not agree with the politics behind these actions, but our troops need us behind them. If it makes a returned soldier feel good to see them on our cars or one who is about to go, that helps them, I’m sure. We didn’t put them there to be taken by as the latest rave in teenage pranks.
If I catch anyone swiping them in my neighborhood, I’m calling the police. If you’ve taken any from someone’s car, be a good person, and return them… In the dead of night, like it was when you stole them.
You know what, all you people who think stealing the In God We Trust flag stickers, or the nasty little smiley face antenna balls are lower than scum. So I can understand your view if you don’t believe in God or think that those smiley face antenna balls should go missing.. However, why do you all have to steal the yellow banners that say Support Our Troops and the flag banners off the backs of cars?
We put them there to show our unitedness and support for the soldiers overseas, to show that MOM whos SON is over there fighting for his life every time he walks out in a dusty street not knowing if he will die today….. its HIS MOM, and HIS FAMILY I put them on my car for… TO LET HER KNOW I CARE… so leave ’em alone.. go find the dang smiley face antenna-balls and leave my banners alone.
Image Credits: BaedonWebZine
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