Author: Grumps
Hard Lessons
Darth Grumps shares one of life’s hard lessons on TikTok
Hello World
Obligatory HELLO WORLD video from TikTok
How to keep your old PC alive
With Windows 11 coming out, you may find that you are unable to upgrade to it because of some of the system requirements.Sure you’ll be able to use Windows 10 for little while longer, but eventually you will have to do something drastic, like upgrade the machine or you could give the world of Linux…
Break the Shackles of Religion
What is Satanism about?
Introduction to Satanism: The Two Main Types of Satanism
A very brief overview of Theistic and Atheistic Satanism. Short pre-recorded video this week. Show Notes <TBA>
The Stupid Edition
Tonight, we look at Stupidity. Yup, you heard me.Tonight’s Atheist YouTube Channel of the week: NeilThe604AtheistAs a Satanist, the only entity I can Sin against is myself. Anton LaVey said there are 9 Satanic SIns, we’ll look one of those tonight.
Breaking the First Rule of the Earth
Grumps confesses to breaking the rules and welcomes you to the channel. Join him on screen for discussion and questions.
Live From Grump’s Grotto Premier
Grumps’ Grotto Premier! Saturday Night/Sunday Morning @ Midnight Central US Time
The Value of Human Life
Even atheists value human life, listen to Grump’s thoughts on the matter.