Author: Kassiopea
My life, My Opinions.
Today I had some one send me a private message in Facebook suggesting I should just shut up and quit being a “bitch know- it- all”, I should stop spreading my “F’ ed up opinions, and shoving my Ann Landeresq crap down other people throats… Interesting enough I have known this person for over 30…
Finding Joy..
Today I heard Carol Burnett talking about the last days with her deceased daughter Carrie Hamilton, and how her daughter was able to experienced joy every day before she passed away.I thought a lot about that statement.. ’Finding Joy Every Day’.. And I realized that I didn’t, not daily, in fact I can’t remember when…
I am an American.
I read his today, it says what I feel about the medias coverage of these events, why give them the coverage, exposure, and make them the entire focus .. focus on America on the GOOD not the bad.Kate Thank you John Glen, for sharing your feelings and opinions, and helping the rest of us say…
Positive vs. Negitive…
We have all heard that we learn from our mistakes, however, I think its more important, and certainly more productive to learn from our successes, we feel better about ourselves and are more willing to move forward, with conviction that we will succeed again and again. Simply learning from our mistakes tends to make us…
Life is a dance..
…and those who were seen dancingwere thought to be insane by thosewho could not hear the music… Neitzche We dance.. all of us, weather its movement or simply day to day things we do, everything is a dance, we move forward and move backward, in everything. Relationships are a dance, emotional, commitment, love, hate, compromise.…
Love and respect…
Without Love we can’t really be happy, no amount of false Fan adoration or excess funds makes happiness.
Loving your pets.
Regardless of your dog’s age, you play a key role in helping him or her combat illness and remain as healthy as possible. Remember, your dog cannot describe symptoms to you, but they can show you signs of disease.
Pay It Forward…
I have been reading several posts about paying it forward, helping those in need, and caring about humanity as a whole, I know I have said in the past that its is so easy to do these things simply because you can, how did it feel? Did you think about your act of kindness before…
How to save your life if you’re having a heart attack
If you have potential signs and symptoms of a heart attack, call 911 or the emergency number for your country and get immediate medical attention. By taking quick action, you may save your own life.Even if you’re not sure you’re having a heart attack, call 911 or the emergency number for your country and get…