Category: Advice Columns
Life and Times of a Queen.
He called me the “B” Queen of the Universe..I just looked at him and said..”back off Buddy, do you really want to tick off a hormonal Lady with the powers of the universe at her command? SERIOUSLY?” *Queen Wave*Kate
Twelve Tools We Should All Have in Our Home Toolbox.
Tools… Not a dirty word Ladies, We all need a home tool box, I for one like my tools, I own my own home and have a honey do list that’s 5 miles long . Being a single Lady, there is not a significant other available for that list, I have to do it myself,…
Feeding your Inner Wolf
Some wisdom from The First Nations of the Americas.
Dealing With Family Strife
Some thoughts on quarrels in the family.
Love’s Exception
It’s so funny how we set qualifications for the right person to love, while at the back of our minds we know that the person we truly love will always be an exception… Kate Indeed, love can be a complex and unpredictable emotion. People often have certain expectations or qualifications for a potential partner, which…
Just Ranting About Life..
It occurred to me that we spend a lot of time with our I pad, I pods, smartphones, texting, TVs, stereos and all the modern technology, and we seem to fall more and more away from the communication, and old fashioned values we were taught, mostly without even thinking about what cost that is…
Growing Old!
Forget about growing old with grace and decorum… grow old with hilarity and drama! Kassiopea