Flashback: The Rake
Even if you are not a fan of Creepy Pastas, you have probably heard of the rake. There is a good article on Clyde Lewis’ Ground Zero that is worth checking out. During the summer of 2003, events in the northeastern United States involving a strange, humanlike creature sparked brief local media interest. There seemed…
Going Home For The Holidays
Reflections family and the holidays.
The Third Secret of Fatima
An overview of the Secrets of Fatima.
Omnism: The New Spiritual Belief
A look at Omnism and what it could become.
Want Closeness? ~ Avoid These 11 Intimacy Killers
As human beings, we all have an innate need to be close to someone. But sometimes the very thing we desire is the opposite of what we have. Some of us subconsciously sabotage the relationships we want because of our fear of intimacy. Sometimes we unknowingly and unwillingly drift apart because of our inability to…
Whats the diference between Deism and Omnism?
Found this little gem from a discussion forum… Deists believe in a god as creator, but they believe that that god does not intervene in the universe and thus do not believe in miracles or anything supernatural. Incidentally, many of the Americas so-called ‘founding fathers’ were deists. God: Image Source: Wikipedia In contrast,. omnists claim…
Cultivating Joy in Everyday Living
Life is short, enjoy every minute of it.
Are You Happy? If Not, Why Not?
Our mental attitude has everything to do with our outlook on life.
Do You Have An Attitude Of Gratitude?
The more gratitude we have and show, the more we have for which to be grateful.