Pennsylvania ordered its health workers to never discuss fracking
In the heavily fracked Keystone State, the economic interests of frackers trump the health concerns of residents. “We were absolutely not allowed to talk to [people who called with concerns related to fracking],” said Tammi Stuck, who worked as a community health nurse in Fayette County for nearly 36 years. … “There was a list…
The reason why media won’t dig into White House Scandals
The Obama administration has been awash with scandals – some that have been said to surpass Watergate – and yet America’s mainstream press has apparently forgotten its role as watchdog, claims Fox Business News’ Lou Dobbs, and his award-winning journalist guest has a theory as to why. Emmy-winning investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson appeared on the…
StorySpark: Mirical Mile
Today’s StorySpark is “Mirical Mile”. Think about that for a bit, then write your story. No other guidelines today. If you use this idea, feel free to link back to this post.
ImageSpark: Remote Control
When most of us hear the words “remote control” we think of the thing that controls our television sets. But, there are a variety of things that can be remote controlled. Use the image to spark your imagination and write about the use of a remote control. If you use this idea, feel free to…
Governments cashing in on “abandoned” assests.
Have you checked your bank account lately? Used that old savings account in the last year? You might want to check to see if your assets are still there. All over the world, governments are shortening the time periods required before they can seize “dormant bank accounts” and “unclaimed property” For example, as you will…
JournalSpark: Vacation Time
What is the earliest vacation you can remember? Write about it in your journal today. If you use this idea, feel free to link back to this post.
BlogSpark: Resources
One of the hardest things to assemble for beginning bloggers is a good set of resources. What resources do you use for your blog research? What programs, apps, and websites do you use? Willing to share where you get your ideas? Write a blog post on the topic. If you use this idea, feel free…
Concentration Camps in the United States
English: Cameron, LA, 11-10-05 — FEMA Base camp workers sleep in these tents. FEMA Base Camps are used when there are no other resources to house FEMA & emergency workers… in this case the nearest lodging, if you can find a room, is 70 miles away on rural roads. MARVIN NAUMAN/FEMA photo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)…
Best-Documented Close Encounter of the Third Kind
Grainy B&W image of supposed UFO, Passoria, New Jersey Edited version of Image:PurportedUFO NewJersey 1952 07 31.gif. By Bach01. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Perhaps the best-documented close encounter of the third kind took place on 27 December 1980, when airmen at two RAF stations in East Anglia witnessed something extraordinary. First radar operators at RAF Watton…