Tag: Advice
Rebel With a Cause: Finding Your Voice and Challenging the Status Quo
Advice on embracing your inner rebel and making a difference.
Trapped in Bed? Don’t DIY Your Way to Disaster (and Puce Walls)
When you are stuck in bed..ill, or injured, or bored…refrain from watching hour after hour of DIY channels on television.. You end up hating your room, and getting your crazy on with weird paint choices. Puce and Oxblood, really?
10 Tips for Steering Clear of Religious Extremism and Cults
It’s important to think for yourself and learn about different religions to stay safe from extreme religious groups and cults. Talking to different people about their beliefs helps everyone get along better and understand each other. By staying alert and supporting each other, we can make sure our religious practices are safe and bring people…