The USA is suffering from a sexual-harassment mania. Originally, sexual harassment meant coercing someone to engage in sex, or exploiting someone sexually, such as when a boss pressures an employee to provide sexual favors. These are surely bad acts.
The sexual harassment mania has spread to children. Six-year-olds who don’t even know what “sex” is are being accused of being sexual harassers. A boy who kissed a little girl in school was accused of sexual harassment and sent home. It seems that boys and girls may no longer hug, hold hands, or show any affection or display friendship. Affection is now sexualized. Should we be surprised when children grow up to be violent thieving drug addicts?
The latest casualty to the sexual harassment mania is the naked human body, including the bodies of innocent children. In Canton, Ohio, a six-year-old boy took a bath……He heard the school bus outside, and ran out to stop the bus – still naked. He was suspended by his school for sexual harassment.
This is totally ridiculous, what is the world coming too? This is a rather old article, but there was something similar to it in the USA Today for Monday.
What really gets my goat about all this is the fact that people are accusing children of things that they don’t even understand. It’s stupid. We need to let kids be kids for awhile before we slap them down for things that are inappropriate.
When I find the USA Today article, I’ll post it and share more of my views on this total mess.
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