Heads up this is long. I came across an article someone posted: “Christians, stop saying “Everything happens for a reason”.” I just had to respond. At this point in life I guess I am not walking on eggshells (obviously) and couldn’t care less what people think of me or my opinions. But I thought this is a great place to plant a seed.

My comment:
I don’t believe God takes a personal interest in you or what happens to you. Religion is a human construct. I’m not a Christian, so I don’t view this “everything happens for a reason” as a Christian thing – at least not in my experience. I believe in personal responsibility and accountability. I acknowledge people create many of their own experiences by the choices they have made and by believing the things they do. Results are natural outcomes. Positive thinking does create more positive experiences. I also subscribe to karma… in that you get back what you send out, because that’s the frequency you vibrate at. You attract what you are, fear or hate so you can learn from it.

However when “bad” things happen, or when we experience a painful loss or situation – as evolving souls, we must realize death happens to everyone. Nobody is getting out of here alive – not in your body. But you aren’t your body… you are consciousness. Cancer is just another disease, accidents are just another way people choose to exit, and death is not an end but another, different kind of life. Hardship is not a punishment but a lesson you are giving yourself. It’s about attachment to our own idea of how things should be. When they don’t go our way, we don’t like it. It’s uncomfortable or it hurts. We experience rejection to teach us we need to love ourselves, poverty and illness to teach us what REAL wealth and abundance are – friendship, love, kindness, the meaningful things. I learned long ago that I was not a victim of circumstance or illness, but a volunteer. So I do think everything happens for a reason, but not because of the reasons you think. It’s nobody’s fault – not even God’s fault, that you created something unpleasant for yourself because you don’t understand how all this works. (wow, so surprised at myself but I don’t take back a single word)

–Linda Harris

Linda Harris

See with your heart, feel with your soul.

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