You have been selected to lead up the foundation of a colony on the moon. You get to pick a team of ten people to begin work on the colony, who do you choose to go with you and why? These can be anyone from your friends to someone you admire. Scientist, engineer, what have you.

Alternatively, you could write a short story about the first colony on the moon.

If you use this idea, feel free to link back to this post.

The owner of this website has been using the name Baedon Glendower since his BBS (Bulletin Board System) days. With a history dating back to 2004, the website has seen significant evolution over the years. Many of the articles bearing Baedon Glendower’s by-line are drawn from his archives, offering a nostalgic look into the past. However, you’ll also find his name on new articles, as he continues to contribute fresh content to this long-standing platform, enriching it with his unique insights and perspectives. Baedon Glendower’s enduring presence has played a pivotal role in shaping the website’s identity over the years.

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