Category: Advice Columns
Shedding the Masks: A Journey to Embracing the Authentic You
Imagine a life lived behind masks, each one carefully crafted to hide some perceived flaw or fit in with a certain mold. We spend years accumulating these masks, believing they’ll grant us acceptance, love, and belonging. But beneath these layers, our true selves yearn to breathe, to be seen, to simply exist. Embracing who you…
Diamonds are Dust: The Real Gemstone is Your Character
Listen, I know the world throws a lot of glitz and glam your way – the perfect selfies, the fancy job titles, the cars that shine brighter than your future. But here’s the real deal, honey: at the end of the day, it’s the stuff inside that counts. The kind heart, the unwavering honesty, the…
Exploring Emotional Intelligence
Hey there, let’s dive into the world of emotional intelligence from a Satanist’s perspective. We’ll dissect 18 everyday phrases and uncover what they imply about emotional insensitivity. Understanding these nuances is essential for building better connections with others and navigating the complexities of human emotions.
The Influence Game
How Your Opinions Shape Others Hey there, folks! Ever noticed how people seem to change their stripes based on what you think of them? It’s like your opinions have this magical power over them. Let’s dive into this intriguing phenomenon and give you some practical tips on how to use it to your advantage. No…
Embracing Individualism and the Power of Gratitude
Today, we explore the idea of combining individualism and the practice of gratitude to create a more authentic and fulfilling life. Individualism encourages us to prioritize our personal desires and ambitions, and gratitude can be a powerful tool to align these values with the world around us. Let’s delve into how we can blend these…
Embrace! Live! Conquer!
Living life on your own terms: Embrace/Live/Conquer
Mistakes are made to be corrected, not to be insulted. I would rather live my life with mistakes made and lessons learned than to live it full of regrets, if only and what could have been. Do not punish yourself for mistakes you’ve made in the past… reward yourself for the great person those mistakes…
How to keep your old PC alive
With Windows 11 coming out, you may find that you are unable to upgrade to it because of some of the system requirements.Sure you’ll be able to use Windows 10 for little while longer, but eventually you will have to do something drastic, like upgrade the machine or you could give the world of Linux…
Do Things Really Happen for a Reason?
Heads up this is long. I came across an article someone posted: “Christians, stop saying “Everything happens for a reason”.” I just had to respond. At this point in life I guess I am not walking on eggshells (obviously) and couldn’t care less what people think of me or my opinions. But I thought this…