Hype or Not
Here is a summary of a story that is making the rounds through tabloids and some mainstream newspapers. This was taken from The U.S. Sun. A MODEL says she has been left disabled by excessive vaping. Vanessa von Schwarz, 20, said she started at 15 and would become anxious and nauseous if she went without…
Mistakes are made to be corrected, not to be insulted. I would rather live my life with mistakes made and lessons learned than to live it full of regrets, if only and what could have been. Do not punish yourself for mistakes you’ve made in the past… reward yourself for the great person those mistakes…
How to keep your old PC alive
With Windows 11 coming out, you may find that you are unable to upgrade to it because of some of the system requirements.Sure you’ll be able to use Windows 10 for little while longer, but eventually you will have to do something drastic, like upgrade the machine or you could give the world of Linux…
The Coming Century of War Against Your Computer.
There is a war going on for control of your computer. Little things like Apple’s control of what can be added to their app store, Windows 11 not being permitted to be installed on machines that don’t have a Trusted Platform Module, and Linux phasing the ability to run on 32-bit machines. Laws imposed by…
Notable quote from Benjamin Franklin
Do Things Really Happen for a Reason?
Heads up this is long. I came across an article someone posted: “Christians, stop saying “Everything happens for a reason”.” I just had to respond. At this point in life I guess I am not walking on eggshells (obviously) and couldn’t care less what people think of me or my opinions. But I thought this…
If I grow up…
Books I’ve Read: Quarter Share (Photo credit: Myles!) A few years ago, I came across a wonderful sci-fi coming of age story by one Nathan Lowell, Quarter Share. Somewhere in the story, the main character uttered the words, “I don’t know what I want to be if I grow up.” Those words have stuck with…
EPIC 2015
This is a bit dated but still interesting to watch. It is amazing how on the edge we are with this whole idea. This is the 2015 updated version. From the 2014 Version Description on YouTube EPIC 2014 was a Flash movie released in November 2004 by Robin Sloan and Matt Thompson with original music…
The most prolific days of your life won’t likely be easy. It’s not in the serenity of your comfort zone or the inactivity of a lazy day that drives greatness. Great demands drive the growth of great virtues. Contending with great challenges forms the foundation of greatness.