Hey there, as a Satanist, I’d like to clear up some common misconceptions about our beliefs. We often find ourselves having to explain that Satanism isn’t about devil worship at all. Instead, we see Satan as a powerful symbol that represents our philosophy.

You know, it can be frustrating when people only associate us with those sensationalist talk shows or horror movies that depict Satanists as crazy devil worshippers. But that’s just not the case. We’re all about embracing the here and now, living life to the fullest, and being true to ourselves.

Some folks are open-minded enough to understand when we explain this to them. They say, “Okay, I see where you’re coming from now.” But others, well, they cling to their misconceptions and even try to use the dictionary to prove us wrong.

They’ll say things like, “I looked up ‘Satanism’ in the dictionary, and it says it’s all about worshiping Satan!” But here’s the thing: dictionaries are helpful references, but they don’t have the final say on what a belief system is all about.

Let’s take a look at other words for a moment. The word “pagan” in some dictionaries is described as “an irreligious or hedonistic person.” I can tell you that many modern Pagans would disagree with that description.

And then there’s “atheism,” which some dictionaries define as “the belief that there is no God.” But most atheists I know simply don’t believe in deities; they don’t necessarily assert that gods don’t exist.

You see, words can have multiple meanings and interpretations, and dictionaries don’t always capture the full complexity of belief systems. They’re just guides, not absolute truths.

Now, when it comes to “Satanism,” some dictionary entries are based on older meanings of the word, not our modern interpretation. But that’s okay because, as Satanists, we’ve redefined what it means to us.

And if you look closely, you’ll find that some words associated with “Satanism” actually have alternative meanings that align with our beliefs. For instance, “Satan” itself means “adversary,” which resonates with our stance against conformity and the status quo.

In a nutshell, we’re not devil worshippers; we’re individuals who embrace the provocative and challenging aspects of life. So, while words can be slippery, we know who we are: Satanists who value individualism, skepticism, and living life to the fullest.

Based on an article by Magister Bill M on the Chruch of Satan website.

Grumps is the name that most people know the owner of this site by on TikTok, Discord, and other social media platforms. He writes and makes videos about how Satanism works in his everyday life and tries to correct common misconceptions about the religion as well as offer insights into Satanism from his perspective.
Disclaimer: Grumps and the Church of Satan? Though he is a Satanist, he is not a member and doesn’t represent them in the slightest. Grumps’ grumpiness is more irony than anything. As the first Satanic Rule of the Earth states, ‘Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.’ But remember, you came here to read this, so that’s like asking for it!

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