Hey there, curious minds! Satanism is often shrouded in mystery and misconceptions, and one of the most persistent myths is that Satanists engage in rituals involving animal or even human sacrifice. Let’s clear the air and delve into what Satanism is truly about.

Theatrical Rituals with a Purpose

First things first – Satanism is a non-theistic belief system that focuses on individualism, embracing personal desires, and living life on your own terms. When it comes to rituals, yes, we do perform them, but they are far from the gruesome acts portrayed in movies and stories. Our rituals are largely symbolic and theatrical, with a primary emphasis on psychological and emotional catharsis rather than physical harm to anyone.

Symbolism in Rituals

Satanic rituals incorporate symbolism to help individuals connect with their subconscious minds, confront their fears, and release pent-up emotions. Props like candles and incense are used to create an atmosphere of focus and intention, not to harm any living beings.

Take the “The Black Mass” ritual, for example, often misunderstood. In this ritual, a naked woman is often depicted as an altar, but this isn’t a literal sacrifice. Instead, it symbolizes the rejection of societal taboos and the celebration of one’s desires and individuality. It’s about challenging conventions and embracing personal power.

The Ethical Stance of Satanism

It’s crucial to understand that Satanism has a strong ethical stance against causing harm to others, whether humans or animals. Our belief system promotes the idea of “an eye for an eye” and encourages personal responsibility. We do not endorse violence or harm towards any living being, and that includes animal or human sacrifice.

Misconceptions and Media Portrayal

The misconception of animal or human sacrifice within Satanism likely arises from sensationalized portrayals in various forms of media. These portrayals often exaggerate or distort our beliefs for dramatic effect. It’s essential to separate fact from fiction and not judge a belief system solely based on media representations.

In conclusion, the notion that Satanists engage in rituals involving animal or human sacrifice is entirely false. Our rituals are symbolic and theatrical, designed to aid individuals in exploring their inner selves, confronting their fears, and embracing their desires. Satanism promotes personal responsibility, ethical behavior, and a rejection of harm towards any living being.

So, the next time you hear someone perpetuating this myth, you can confidently set the record straight and share what Satanism is truly all about – self-discovery, individualism, and ethical living.

Grumps is the name that most people know the owner of this site by on TikTok, Discord, and other social media platforms. He writes and makes videos about how Satanism works in his everyday life and tries to correct common misconceptions about the religion as well as offer insights into Satanism from his perspective.
Disclaimer: Grumps and the Church of Satan? Though he is a Satanist, he is not a member and doesn’t represent them in the slightest. Grumps’ grumpiness is more irony than anything. As the first Satanic Rule of the Earth states, ‘Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.’ But remember, you came here to read this, so that’s like asking for it!

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